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mayuzumi asahi is a university student in economics who lives alone and from time to time cooks for his two buddies. he also is a otaku for a magical girls show called “ikai no majoko” (t/n: “magical girl from another world”) and collects figurines, posters and other merchandise of it. this show has a twist that reveals that the attackers from another world are actually from 10000 years in the past, which makes him consider the show a masterpiece. one day a girl with a black cat on her shoulder breaks into his apartment and attacks him with a stun gun while he is doing the dishes. he accidentally cuts himself on a knife in the process. after that ordeal he goes to work at his in a shop for anime-related goods. in the process of going after a female costumer who’d forgotten something he saves her from harassment, but gets beaten up by the harasser for his troubles. luckily he suddenly summons a flaming car that runs the attacker over? he understandably gets taken into police custody afterwards, who decide to drug and kidnap him to a remote location. after getting questioned by masked figures in black uniforms they decide that he is a witch and burn him alive accordingly.